Bakalaura darbs “Skaistuma destruktīvā spēka ideja Jukio Mišimas romānā “Zelta templis” ir veltīts destruktīvā skaistuma galveno motīvu pielietojuma izpētei slavenā japāņu pēckara autora darbos, koncentrējoties uz to izpausmi tieši romānā “Zelta templis”. Darba galvenais mērķis ir izskaidrot “Zelta templī” sniegto pamatdomu autora noteiktās estētiskās ideoloģijas ietvaros, līdz ar to izanalizējot arī romānā atklātās filozofijas cēloņus. Darba pirmajā daļā tiek pētīta Jukio Mišimas biogrāfija, sarežģītā bērnība, pirmskara laika militārās propagandas un pēckara izmisuma ietekme, kas bija priekšnosacījumi, kuri sekmēja skaistuma destruktīvā spēka idejas rašanos. Otrajā daļā tiek analizēts galvenā varoņa iekšējais konflikts ar skaistuma kā mūžī...
W pracy tej analizowane są postacie dziecięce w trzech powieściach Yukio Mishimy: "Wyznania Maski", ...
Abstract: This study attempts to explore the possible motivations, both obvious and problematic, beh...
This research was started from the problem of two female characters of TPI and KYJ that are intimida...
As one of the most talented and successful of modern Japanese writer, Yukio Mishima includes the wes...
Yukio Mishima is perhaps the most widely discussed figure of post-war Japanese literature, consider...
Tematem pracy jest analiza związku między twórczością Mishimy Yukio oraz Oscara Wilde’a. W rozdziale...
Yukio Mishima's literary work, "Kinkaku-ji," delves into the portrayal of a young man ensnared by im...
This essay addresses the relationship between beauty, homosexuality and aesthetic thought in the wor...
Šī darba autors atbildēs uz sekojošo jautājumu: “Kādas ir raksturīgās pazīmes, kas atšķir mitoloģisk...
Between reality and a dream — the theme of beauty and violence in Mirko Kovač’s novel Crystal GatesT...
One of the most important themes, which Dostoevsky planned to discuss in the novel Wldiot~, was the ...
Diplomski rad bavi se proučavanjem veze ženske ljepote i zla u novelističkom opusu Ive Andrića, auto...
Mishima\u27s \u22The Temple of the Golden Pavilion\u22 has been understood as a logical analysis of ...
My aim in this thesis is to reevaluate the aesthetics of Mishima Yukio through his theatrical works....
This thesis offers an analysis of some of the major novels of Mishima Yukio in the light of their un...
W pracy tej analizowane są postacie dziecięce w trzech powieściach Yukio Mishimy: "Wyznania Maski", ...
Abstract: This study attempts to explore the possible motivations, both obvious and problematic, beh...
This research was started from the problem of two female characters of TPI and KYJ that are intimida...
As one of the most talented and successful of modern Japanese writer, Yukio Mishima includes the wes...
Yukio Mishima is perhaps the most widely discussed figure of post-war Japanese literature, consider...
Tematem pracy jest analiza związku między twórczością Mishimy Yukio oraz Oscara Wilde’a. W rozdziale...
Yukio Mishima's literary work, "Kinkaku-ji," delves into the portrayal of a young man ensnared by im...
This essay addresses the relationship between beauty, homosexuality and aesthetic thought in the wor...
Šī darba autors atbildēs uz sekojošo jautājumu: “Kādas ir raksturīgās pazīmes, kas atšķir mitoloģisk...
Between reality and a dream — the theme of beauty and violence in Mirko Kovač’s novel Crystal GatesT...
One of the most important themes, which Dostoevsky planned to discuss in the novel Wldiot~, was the ...
Diplomski rad bavi se proučavanjem veze ženske ljepote i zla u novelističkom opusu Ive Andrića, auto...
Mishima\u27s \u22The Temple of the Golden Pavilion\u22 has been understood as a logical analysis of ...
My aim in this thesis is to reevaluate the aesthetics of Mishima Yukio through his theatrical works....
This thesis offers an analysis of some of the major novels of Mishima Yukio in the light of their un...
W pracy tej analizowane są postacie dziecięce w trzech powieściach Yukio Mishimy: "Wyznania Maski", ...
Abstract: This study attempts to explore the possible motivations, both obvious and problematic, beh...
This research was started from the problem of two female characters of TPI and KYJ that are intimida...